Sunday, March 29, 2009

Native American flute

Bought a new flute today at the Potomac Native American Flute Festival. A nice Walnut instrument by Bob Grealish! Him and his wife were very kind and helpful.

Worldly changes

There are parts of this dream, that needs to be wiped out as it adds very little to my life, and takes such a toll!

1. NEWS-why is 99% of it negative? Done with gone.

I'll get back to you about the rest, when I come up with it.

Sunday, March 15, 2009


So...the week before last I started doing martial arts again. Traditional Hapkido with Master Rim. Fun Fun!


Well...long time,It has been.

I'm finding creation easier and easier, and I'm seeing more and more of this dream we call reality. I understand now why the master's use poetry and stories to try and share the truth with others.