Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Like an artist...

What we experience today is an accumulation of what we have created in the past. To create your future to be different from your today, do not react to your present moment, but mold your future the way you wish for it to be.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

$10,000 Goal

It has been several months sense I have achieved my $1000 goal. Actually it was over 3 times that much, but the $10,000 goal has eluded me. Honestly, I haven't released on it much. Either the way it is worded or the amount just isn't thrilling enough to my ego. The wording is the same as I had for the $1000 goal, except for the amount. I was thinking of bumping up to $100,000, but didn't want to skip that high without getting something in between first. Today, as I released (or not released, and having to release on not releasing) for the $10,000 goal, I did a search online and decided to change how I worded the goal.
Old wording: I allow myself to have $10,000 by releasing only
New wording: I allow myself to have an extra $10,000 this month with ease
The new working seems to speak to my ego in a different way. It wants to release on it, and accomplish it!  I think the 'this month' part really makes it real, instead of something out in the ethereal wishful thinking realm. Let's see how it goes. 
Lester said you shouldn't tell people about your goals, because it weakens your will to achieve them, but I think at this point I'm just blogging for myself, so it don't matter...hee hee. 

Releasing During Times of Deep Sorrow and Depression (Suppression)

Releasing negativity gives permission to the rest of the negativity to come up and be released. This is a good thing, because we have been suppressing these feelings for millions of years. Often times it can be overwhelming. It is important during these times to keep on releasing. Even though it may not 'feel' like it at the time, this is when much progress can be made.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Messages of Releasing

Messages of releasing are appearing everywhere. Twice in the same week I have received messages of using the Peruvian medicine Ayahausca and how it assist the user in releasing negativity.

Goals and Willpower

It is important that your goals are truly a reflection of what you wish to allow in your life. This will assist you in having the willpower to release, instead of turning towards your habitual tools of suppression. Keep your goals where you can see them. Keep them on anything that you use for suppression, entertainment or distraction. Maybe a list on your cellphone, TV, computer, and/ or current reading material. This will assist in your releasing, manifesting your goals, and going free.  Remember, the way we accomplish 1 thing is the way we tend to accomplish everything. 

Monday, August 23, 2010

Looking for clues from Lester

I recently printed out the Lester Levenson story from http://www.releasetechnique.com/pdf/LesterLevensonStory.pdf and started reading it again. That confirmed my theory that more kinesthetic releasing was needed. I have began to move away from the writing down of goals and releasing on what comes up, and moving more towards closing my eyes and releasing as Lester originally did. This seems to be adding a deeper level to my releasing. It is much more powerful. It is getting me out of my head, and into my feelings to release them. It is also allowing me to feel, see, and have my goal in the now.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

The Perfect Existance

The only way to have a perfect existance is to stop meddling with it!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


let go and let God!

Monday, August 9, 2010

Taking breaks...

"There is no stopping in the six steps!"  Lester Levenson

Friday, August 6, 2010

Kinesthetic Way...Changing How I Release

I think it is very important to feel energy releasing going through the releasing process. How else do you know if your letting go?
Based on that theory, I have decided to change how I track how much I'm releasing. I'm switching from counting individual releases, to tracking the amount of time I release. This will encourage me to work on the quality of my releasing, and not so much the quantity. I think this is what orginally worked so well for me, and I felt a lot calmer afterwards too, because you get into more of a meditation state, where the mind starts to shut up.
I'm going to try this for a while, and see how it affects my goal manifestation.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Why look out there?

There is nothing out there but our being-ness! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Kinesthetic Releasing

So they say that releasing on the three wants is the most advanced way of releasing, but I have found better results with a combination of releasing the wants and kinetic releasing or letting go of the energy in the stomach or chest area.

It seems like I get a more complete release, and better results.

Did some of the "What am I?" meditation yesterday...whewwww!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Releasing on Goals

Started releasing on my goals again today. Had the 'body' reactions as usual, when starting releasing after taking some days, okay...some weeks off.

eyes watering


running nose

Physical manifestation of releasing I suppose. Is that W/C, W/A, W/S?

Nothing to do, but to do it!

I think I have listened or read parts or whole editions of everything Lester Levenson has in print, video, or audio. The message is the same.

KISS-Keep It Simple Sweetheart

Follow the six steps.

The mind, of course wants us to keep on searching as if there is another answer somewhere.