Monday, June 1, 2009
Well..I think I have taught my last shamanic class for a while. I have found that many people just want to dabble in spirituality to see what suits them, which is fine. We will all end up at the same place, even if it takes us a million years or more. The problem with teaching too much, is that the student gets to the point where they must walk the path themselves. You can only point them in the direction. The other issue is it is very hard to point, and follow the path at the same time. So, that phase is being deleted for now. I will spend a lot more time blissfully walking.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Live Abundance Course
Just finished the weekend abundance course,last weekend, and it was great!
How was it different from the CDs/ Tapes?
1. People asked questions that I subconsciously had and the answers cleared up some assumptions I had.
2. I discovered a way to get pass a tremendous amount of resistance that I had.
3. I was motivated to practice being in release all the time.
4. I figured out how to stop yawning when something particularly difficult comes up (part of #2).
5. I found out it was okay to write down the same thing over and over again, if that is what is coming up when releasing.
6. Now I can't wait to get started on the goals and resistance course again, instead of having resistance to it!
7. I experienced releasing while having what starts out to be a negative interaction with another!
that's the short list
All in Larry would say, "It was a Wow"
I would definitely recommend doing the CDs first. It is great preparation.
Thank you all for keeping me motivated for Freedom!
How was it different from the CDs/ Tapes?
1. People asked questions that I subconsciously had and the answers cleared up some assumptions I had.
2. I discovered a way to get pass a tremendous amount of resistance that I had.
3. I was motivated to practice being in release all the time.
4. I figured out how to stop yawning when something particularly difficult comes up (part of #2).
5. I found out it was okay to write down the same thing over and over again, if that is what is coming up when releasing.
6. Now I can't wait to get started on the goals and resistance course again, instead of having resistance to it!
7. I experienced releasing while having what starts out to be a negative interaction with another!
that's the short list
All in Larry would say, "It was a Wow"
I would definitely recommend doing the CDs first. It is great preparation.
Thank you all for keeping me motivated for Freedom!
Pa Kua, Ba Gua
New martial art. The Hapkido was hard on my body. Getting too smart for all of that. Now I'm doing the Chinese thing Pa Kua. I never thought that would happen, but perhaps I was saving the best for last.
I've only done one class, and some practice at home, but my body already feels better. I can feel that Chi flowing. ;-)
I've only done one class, and some practice at home, but my body already feels better. I can feel that Chi flowing. ;-)
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Abundance Course
Maya and I finally took the plunge. We are going to a live Abundance Course weekend sponsored by the wonderful teachers at
In my over almost 20 years of occult, esoteric, secret,etc.etc. studies, this is the must effective, life changing knowledge I have ever encountered. And the funny thing is, nobody I tell about it, ever looks very deeply into it.
Oh well, they can stay in the cave, I'm going towards the light. ;-)
In my over almost 20 years of occult, esoteric, secret,etc.etc. studies, this is the must effective, life changing knowledge I have ever encountered. And the funny thing is, nobody I tell about it, ever looks very deeply into it.
Oh well, they can stay in the cave, I'm going towards the light. ;-)
and then there was the H4
So Doc was and fam was down from PA today, and he had this great little device called the Zoom H4 Handy Recorder. I had been thinking of doing some recordings of my flute playing, and this little thing is like magick for the home recording studio! I gotta get one.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Native American flute
Bought a new flute today at the Potomac Native American Flute Festival. A nice Walnut instrument by Bob Grealish! Him and his wife were very kind and helpful.
Worldly changes
There are parts of this dream, that needs to be wiped out as it adds very little to my life, and takes such a toll!
1. NEWS-why is 99% of it negative? Done with gone.
I'll get back to you about the rest, when I come up with it.
1. NEWS-why is 99% of it negative? Done with gone.
I'll get back to you about the rest, when I come up with it.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
So...the week before last I started doing martial arts again. Traditional Hapkido with Master Rim. Fun Fun!
Well...long time,It has been.
I'm finding creation easier and easier, and I'm seeing more and more of this dream we call reality. I understand now why the master's use poetry and stories to try and share the truth with others.
I'm finding creation easier and easier, and I'm seeing more and more of this dream we call reality. I understand now why the master's use poetry and stories to try and share the truth with others.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
the First step....
Step 1
Allow yourself to want Imperturbability (freedom, happiness, love, etc.) more than you want, control, approval and safety/survival/separation ( the world, goals, money, etc.)
I was stuck. I achieved a few goals and then stopped releasing. When I went back to investigate why, I discovered I did not have step one firmly in place. Thinking back to some of Lester's writings in the Keys to the Ultimate Freedom, I remembered this being a common downfall.
I also remembered how helpful the book was when I first started on this journey. I went back and printed out the Keys book again, and placed it in a binder to make it more accessible. It will be my foremost reference along this journey. Too much noise is made about material gains with the method. These things appear to be the easy part. The "hard" part is getting beyond the material dream, to reality. Though in reality, this has to be easy also, if we would allow it.
I don't know what it is about that book. It doesn't say anything that I haven't read before from other masters. I was just re-reading some of Vernon Howard's writings yesterday, and I was thinking "Yes, this is it!", but I never had the depth of understanding until I read Lester's writings. His clarity is unmatched in my dream.
Allow yourself to want Imperturbability (freedom, happiness, love, etc.) more than you want, control, approval and safety/survival/separation ( the world, goals, money, etc.)
I was stuck. I achieved a few goals and then stopped releasing. When I went back to investigate why, I discovered I did not have step one firmly in place. Thinking back to some of Lester's writings in the Keys to the Ultimate Freedom, I remembered this being a common downfall.
I also remembered how helpful the book was when I first started on this journey. I went back and printed out the Keys book again, and placed it in a binder to make it more accessible. It will be my foremost reference along this journey. Too much noise is made about material gains with the method. These things appear to be the easy part. The "hard" part is getting beyond the material dream, to reality. Though in reality, this has to be easy also, if we would allow it.
I don't know what it is about that book. It doesn't say anything that I haven't read before from other masters. I was just re-reading some of Vernon Howard's writings yesterday, and I was thinking "Yes, this is it!", but I never had the depth of understanding until I read Lester's writings. His clarity is unmatched in my dream.
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Tattoo decision revisited...
Okay..more tattoo thoughts. I'm thinking that now that I'm off my high horse about getting the perfect tattoo, I can get any tattoo, because any tattoo is perfect! Realizations...gotta love'em. So here are some of my ideas from west Africa!
My single favorite is this one.

And tattooed...
My single favorite is this one.

And tattooed...

Saturday, January 31, 2009
The Day I would have been dyed, Had it not been for the Saw Man
By Mr. Yellow Finch
Translated by Akin Phoenix
One cold winter day, when the snow and ice had freshly hit the ground, I was out at my favorite eating spot with all my friends. In the middle of this nice field there is a tube full of small sunflower seeds. They aren’t my preferred food, but they are mighty tasty when you’re short on bugs in the middle of winter. I grabbed a beak full of seeds and flew over to one of my favorite trees. Then I had this bright idea! I would take a short cut to another tree through a route I had never taken before. Wheee….I go flying off and BAM!
I must have hit some kind of force field, or something. There I was knocked out the cold icy ground, with blood dripping from my beak. I lost a lot of blood. You can see it in the snow.

I was wondering what the heck just happened, and why I couldn’t fly away. I was drifting off to sleep, when out of nowhere a giant scooped me up in a box, and moved me into this really warm and cozy place. I wasn’t feeling well at all, so I didn’t protest much. The giant was talking to me, and I just stayed still. I really wasn’t feeling well, and wasn’t in a talking mood. Oddly enough, the giant had a scent that I have smelled on the food I get from the tube. I was hoping that was a good sign, as a fell off to sleep again.
When I woke up again, the giant was placing all these funny looking items around me. I don’t know what they were, but they had a strange energy emanating from them, that felt really good. The giant had what my Mommy described as fire, and a noisy thing that rattled with the picture of what my Mommy called a snake! Oh my gosh…I didn’t know what to do, but that familiar scent assured me all was well, besides, it was nice and warm in this place. I tried to get some sleep, but that giant kept making noise. It blew into this big tree branch that made a sound like a bird, and it was mumbling giant talk, and shaking that snake thing. Couldn’t it see a birdy was tired? I left my body a couple of times, and felt a lot better, but the giant could see me, and spoke directly to mind, telling me to get back down here. How did he do that? He isn’t a bird! Then it pulled me back into my body.
After it was finished making all that noise, and making me do stuff I didn’t want to do, it went and fetched me some water, and left. All of a sudden I was feeling much better. I perched up on the little water bowl, and for the first time since being in the warm place, I lifted my beak and took a look around.

The giant came back and started talking giant talk again, and flicked the piece of food off my beak that was glued on with blood. I was nice and warm at this point, and feeling a lot better! I was starting to wonder how I was going to make my escape, when the giant was in my mind again! It asked if I was ready to go, and I replied with a big “YES”! It started removing all the good feeling items that it put in the box with me. I kind of wanted to keep some of those, but it said it needed them for others that flew into force fields in life, and needed a helping hand.
The giant lifted the whole box that I was in, and took me back to where the light was. I dared not fly at that moment. I didn’t want to hit another force field. It was a good thing too. The giant opened another force field, and I felt the familiar cold of the season hit my feathers. It lifted the box in the air, and I hopped up on the edge. I looked back at the giant, and he was in my mind again, telling me to farewell! I flew into the air, on my way to Grandfather tree, and all my friends to tell them about what just happened to me. Grandfather tree said I would have died, had it not been for the shaman. I asked the Grandfather what color was I going to be dyed (I like my yellow feathers) and is a saw man what they call the giant, but he smiled and told me to go get more food, before it was all gone.
Translated by Akin Phoenix
One cold winter day, when the snow and ice had freshly hit the ground, I was out at my favorite eating spot with all my friends. In the middle of this nice field there is a tube full of small sunflower seeds. They aren’t my preferred food, but they are mighty tasty when you’re short on bugs in the middle of winter. I grabbed a beak full of seeds and flew over to one of my favorite trees. Then I had this bright idea! I would take a short cut to another tree through a route I had never taken before. Wheee….I go flying off and BAM!
I must have hit some kind of force field, or something. There I was knocked out the cold icy ground, with blood dripping from my beak. I lost a lot of blood. You can see it in the snow.
I was wondering what the heck just happened, and why I couldn’t fly away. I was drifting off to sleep, when out of nowhere a giant scooped me up in a box, and moved me into this really warm and cozy place. I wasn’t feeling well at all, so I didn’t protest much. The giant was talking to me, and I just stayed still. I really wasn’t feeling well, and wasn’t in a talking mood. Oddly enough, the giant had a scent that I have smelled on the food I get from the tube. I was hoping that was a good sign, as a fell off to sleep again.
When I woke up again, the giant was placing all these funny looking items around me. I don’t know what they were, but they had a strange energy emanating from them, that felt really good. The giant had what my Mommy described as fire, and a noisy thing that rattled with the picture of what my Mommy called a snake! Oh my gosh…I didn’t know what to do, but that familiar scent assured me all was well, besides, it was nice and warm in this place. I tried to get some sleep, but that giant kept making noise. It blew into this big tree branch that made a sound like a bird, and it was mumbling giant talk, and shaking that snake thing. Couldn’t it see a birdy was tired? I left my body a couple of times, and felt a lot better, but the giant could see me, and spoke directly to mind, telling me to get back down here. How did he do that? He isn’t a bird! Then it pulled me back into my body.
After it was finished making all that noise, and making me do stuff I didn’t want to do, it went and fetched me some water, and left. All of a sudden I was feeling much better. I perched up on the little water bowl, and for the first time since being in the warm place, I lifted my beak and took a look around.
The giant came back and started talking giant talk again, and flicked the piece of food off my beak that was glued on with blood. I was nice and warm at this point, and feeling a lot better! I was starting to wonder how I was going to make my escape, when the giant was in my mind again! It asked if I was ready to go, and I replied with a big “YES”! It started removing all the good feeling items that it put in the box with me. I kind of wanted to keep some of those, but it said it needed them for others that flew into force fields in life, and needed a helping hand.
The giant lifted the whole box that I was in, and took me back to where the light was. I dared not fly at that moment. I didn’t want to hit another force field. It was a good thing too. The giant opened another force field, and I felt the familiar cold of the season hit my feathers. It lifted the box in the air, and I hopped up on the edge. I looked back at the giant, and he was in my mind again, telling me to farewell! I flew into the air, on my way to Grandfather tree, and all my friends to tell them about what just happened to me. Grandfather tree said I would have died, had it not been for the shaman. I asked the Grandfather what color was I going to be dyed (I like my yellow feathers) and is a saw man what they call the giant, but he smiled and told me to go get more food, before it was all gone.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Inauguration day reflections!
Watching the official ceremony at home in my nice comfortable recliner was a treat. I briefly(about 2 seconds)thought about going into DC to see it live, but I figured I'm close enough, and I would see just as much from my TV at home, as I would from the monitors on the mall.
It amazes me that what started out as kids sitting down at a diner that would not feed them and a lady that would not move to the back of a bus, could lead to a peaceful revolution, where one who was once considered 3/5 of a man, would lead the greatest country in the world. All I can say is Wow...and Congratulation President Obama!
Yes We Did!
It amazes me that what started out as kids sitting down at a diner that would not feed them and a lady that would not move to the back of a bus, could lead to a peaceful revolution, where one who was once considered 3/5 of a man, would lead the greatest country in the world. All I can say is Wow...and Congratulation President Obama!
Yes We Did!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
After over 10 years...finally a tatoo decision
So, it has been over 10 years since I decided to get a tattoo. I was going to get the kanji for Love.
Today while contemplating Love in the shower, I came to the realization that the word "Love" or the kanji for it, could not possibly show the depth of what it is, just as words can't. So then I was thinking what if you explain it as God's Love? Well the "Born Agains"(I say that with the up most respect) say that God is Love, and the Hindus understand that the concept of God is so huge that in order for the human mind to even begin to conceive the notion, God had to be divided into hundreds of different aspects. Kind of like the big bang theory. Everything was one, and exploded into millions of different pieces, but essentially every piece is still part of the whole. Kind of like the liquefied Terminators in Terminator.
So, after this realization, I won't be getting a tattoo. After all I'm God, and God is Love, and why would God need to tattoo it's name on itself, like it doesn't know what it is, and that is all there is?

Today while contemplating Love in the shower, I came to the realization that the word "Love" or the kanji for it, could not possibly show the depth of what it is, just as words can't. So then I was thinking what if you explain it as God's Love? Well the "Born Agains"(I say that with the up most respect) say that God is Love, and the Hindus understand that the concept of God is so huge that in order for the human mind to even begin to conceive the notion, God had to be divided into hundreds of different aspects. Kind of like the big bang theory. Everything was one, and exploded into millions of different pieces, but essentially every piece is still part of the whole. Kind of like the liquefied Terminators in Terminator.
So, after this realization, I won't be getting a tattoo. After all I'm God, and God is Love, and why would God need to tattoo it's name on itself, like it doesn't know what it is, and that is all there is?
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Ghost Busters!
Went ghost busting again yesterday. It was a simple cleansing. I don' think the entities meant the family any harm, they were just having fun. Some were particularly impressed with flush toilets. They dispersed pretty easily, and none of them tried to compress my lungs, so that's a good thing! I know its only Ego, but I wish I could have tougher cases to clear out. Maybe be on A&E flexing my skills....hee heee
Anyone have any ghost they need clearing out? Catch me while I'm discounted! $100 an hour plus travel expenses.
Anyone have any ghost they need clearing out? Catch me while I'm discounted! $100 an hour plus travel expenses.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
What is Love?
I started reading Lester Levenson's "The Power of Love" again.
Here are some of his definitions of Love.
Love is acceptance
Love is allowing the other their being-ness
Love is a feeling of oneness with others
When there is full Love, you feel yourself as the other person.
Here are some of his definitions of Love.
Love is acceptance
Love is allowing the other their being-ness
Love is a feeling of oneness with others
When there is full Love, you feel yourself as the other person.
Friday, January 9, 2009
The mind loves negative....
One of the great things about keeping a gains journal is you see how your mind attaches on to the negative.
For example, I was really upset about my resume writer not having my updated resume done today like she said she would. So much so that I was consciously and unconsciously pissed about it for close to 5 hours.
I haven't written anything in my gains journal all day, so just now when I was thinking what to write, it occurred to me that about an hour into my being pissed about the whole resume thing, I got confirmation that I would be receiving a check on Monday for a sizable amount of mula.
What did my mind decide to stay with? The pissed off feeling about the resume.
It was also about that time that I stopped doing my General Releasing questions. I still have yet to make it up to 20 times a day the way Larry Suggest in the Goals and Resistance course, but I'm up to 9 so far. I definitely see that if I'm not releasing, I'm suppressing.
For example, I was really upset about my resume writer not having my updated resume done today like she said she would. So much so that I was consciously and unconsciously pissed about it for close to 5 hours.
I haven't written anything in my gains journal all day, so just now when I was thinking what to write, it occurred to me that about an hour into my being pissed about the whole resume thing, I got confirmation that I would be receiving a check on Monday for a sizable amount of mula.
What did my mind decide to stay with? The pissed off feeling about the resume.
It was also about that time that I stopped doing my General Releasing questions. I still have yet to make it up to 20 times a day the way Larry Suggest in the Goals and Resistance course, but I'm up to 9 so far. I definitely see that if I'm not releasing, I'm suppressing.
100% responsibility
Lester Levenson says we must take %100 responsibility for the life and environment we have created. Thought is only creative, and the world as we know it is just a reflection of our thought. If we like what we have created then great, if we don't like it, we must change our thoughts to bring ourselves into alignment.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
couldn't sleep last night, so I woke up to do some goal releasing and send love and approval to myself. Started giggling as soon as I looked in the mirror to send love and approval. It was an experience. I even caught myself making faces at myself and then laughing. Never done that before. Never really laughed during the process before.
Finally went to sleep and had some serious garbage come up in a dream. Woke up and released on that.
Finally went to sleep and had some serious garbage come up in a dream. Woke up and released on that.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Perfect Reality
As I came back to this "reality" this morning, after leaving the "dream" world, I began to wonder would it be possible to have an absolutely perfect existence in this world if we loved ourselves totally. After all, the inner determines the outer, right? So if we loved ourselves %100 then our outer reality would have to manifest %100 love.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Gains Journal
After reading the last Release magazine, I went out and finally bought a releasing journal. I was trying to just keep a word document, but that wasn't working out too well. The first gain I wrote in it, was about the journal itself. It is a a very nice leather journal with geometric designs on it from India. The regular price on it, was 19.95, but Barnes and Noble had it for 50% off! Whoo hooo!
Okay, so now I have this nice looking releasing journal. Of course, now my ego wants to use it, because it is so nice looking, but in order to use it, I have to be releasing so I can get gains. Nice trick I've already decorated it by placing the 6 steps and the general releasing questions on the inside front cover!
Okay, so now I have this nice looking releasing journal. Of course, now my ego wants to use it, because it is so nice looking, but in order to use it, I have to be releasing so I can get gains. Nice trick I've already decorated it by placing the 6 steps and the general releasing questions on the inside front cover!
Fear of what?
Lester Levenson says that our final obstacle,that we all must face when coming back to our true being-ness, is the fear of death. I was thinking about that this morning as I was waking up, wondering what time the trash man would come. He came early last week, and I missed him. I was asking myself why I didn't just pop up and take out the trash. Well...It's cold outside. Then I thought, so what, I'm not going to freeze to death, right? Lol...Maybe Lester has something there.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Here is an Intention of Love and Peace to the Middle East
Back a life time ago as a young grunt with the Decorated 101st Airborne Division, I had the opportunity to serve as part of the Multinational Force and Observers. We were tasked to watch for aggressive action across the Sinai desert by either Israel or Egypt, and to report this activity as part of the agreement from the Camp David peace accords.
The importance of the mission was kind of lost on me then, but with all the non-loving feelings in the middle east now, I'm glad I was able to be part of something peaceful.
May all those in arms over there now, especially those destroying each other on their own Holy Lands, find love and peace in their hearts for one another.
The importance of the mission was kind of lost on me then, but with all the non-loving feelings in the middle east now, I'm glad I was able to be part of something peaceful.
May all those in arms over there now, especially those destroying each other on their own Holy Lands, find love and peace in their hearts for one another.
Munay, the Way of Love-The First Inca Law part 1
Munay, the Way of Love-The First Inca Law part 1
by Akin Phoenix
First of the three Inca laws. It is the law of love. Rather than only an emotion, love is seen as an attitude of respect and appreciation for everyone and everything." (Delgado, 173).
Love is our natural state of "being-ness". When we let go of the fear that we have allowed into our existence, we find peace and acceptance where love and gratitude are natural and there is no need for separate acknowledgement of these states of being-ness as temporary emotions or feelings. The Quero natives of the Peruvian Andes understand this and have no words for "thank you".
We have evidence from our past observations that fear brings more fear into our lives here in our modern world. Meanwhile up in the high altitudes of Peru, "We are all one in the Divine Pacha's consciousness of love that we call 'tucuy munayniyoc.' We live in this state here in Machu Picchu and share in the joy and abundance of the Pacha." (Delgado, 150). Is it possible to bring this divine state back to us and share in the "joy and abundance of the Pacha" just by changing our attitudes? Can we transform our immediate environment into one of love and acceptance, while we live in a land so focused on what is non-loving? Let us go on an adventure together, and check out if our friends from the Andes with these old ways of thinking have anything to share with us.
Grab a notebook, writing instrument, and a mirror. Look at your image in the mirror, and write down the feelings that come up. See if you can let go of any non-loving feelings that come to your consciousness. They want to leave. Just let them go. Relax and be gentle with yourself. Let your judgments about yourself go. Feel the energy of Love that rises to replace the fear that was allowed to leave. Now consciously send yourself Love and Approval just because you can. If you get to a point where you can't do it anymore, look for those non-loving, resisting feelings that are attempting to leave, and say "Yes" to them, so they too can leave. Then continue sending that Loving, Approving energy to yourself. Manifest this state of being within you again, and see if your outer life changes. Do this for 15 minutes to 2 hours a day or whatever your true being-ness needs to set you free of your fears. Write down the apparent coincidences that occur from doing these exercises. This is key to proving to yourself what you have always known.
Our egos have had many years to practice holding us in a fearful place, and do not take kindly to this Love stuff. It is okay to start again, if you stop, or miss a day. Find the courage of your inner warrior and persist with loving yourself. "As within, so without" (Three Initiates ) is the lesson of the masters. Let's prove them right, or wrong to ourselves, because sacred ground is whereever you are, and the only master is you!
With Munay,
Akin Phoenix, DD
Get more juicy shamany stuff by signing up for the newsletter at Phoenix Soulutions!
Glossary section:
A concept that includes space, time, quantity, other realities, the Divinity, and what is still a mystery. It can be explained as three worlds. (Delgado, 173)
Tucuy Munayniyoc-
The more advanced practice of Munay, love. (Delgado, 174)
Works Cited
Delgado, Jorge L., and MaryAnn Male. Andean Awakening An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru. San Franciso: Council Oak Books, 2006.
The Three Initiates. "The Kybalion." Kybalion. 30 Dec. 2008
by Akin Phoenix
First of the three Inca laws. It is the law of love. Rather than only an emotion, love is seen as an attitude of respect and appreciation for everyone and everything." (Delgado, 173).
Love is our natural state of "being-ness". When we let go of the fear that we have allowed into our existence, we find peace and acceptance where love and gratitude are natural and there is no need for separate acknowledgement of these states of being-ness as temporary emotions or feelings. The Quero natives of the Peruvian Andes understand this and have no words for "thank you".
We have evidence from our past observations that fear brings more fear into our lives here in our modern world. Meanwhile up in the high altitudes of Peru, "We are all one in the Divine Pacha's consciousness of love that we call 'tucuy munayniyoc.' We live in this state here in Machu Picchu and share in the joy and abundance of the Pacha." (Delgado, 150). Is it possible to bring this divine state back to us and share in the "joy and abundance of the Pacha" just by changing our attitudes? Can we transform our immediate environment into one of love and acceptance, while we live in a land so focused on what is non-loving? Let us go on an adventure together, and check out if our friends from the Andes with these old ways of thinking have anything to share with us.
Grab a notebook, writing instrument, and a mirror. Look at your image in the mirror, and write down the feelings that come up. See if you can let go of any non-loving feelings that come to your consciousness. They want to leave. Just let them go. Relax and be gentle with yourself. Let your judgments about yourself go. Feel the energy of Love that rises to replace the fear that was allowed to leave. Now consciously send yourself Love and Approval just because you can. If you get to a point where you can't do it anymore, look for those non-loving, resisting feelings that are attempting to leave, and say "Yes" to them, so they too can leave. Then continue sending that Loving, Approving energy to yourself. Manifest this state of being within you again, and see if your outer life changes. Do this for 15 minutes to 2 hours a day or whatever your true being-ness needs to set you free of your fears. Write down the apparent coincidences that occur from doing these exercises. This is key to proving to yourself what you have always known.
Our egos have had many years to practice holding us in a fearful place, and do not take kindly to this Love stuff. It is okay to start again, if you stop, or miss a day. Find the courage of your inner warrior and persist with loving yourself. "As within, so without" (Three Initiates ) is the lesson of the masters. Let's prove them right, or wrong to ourselves, because sacred ground is whereever you are, and the only master is you!
With Munay,
Akin Phoenix, DD
Get more juicy shamany stuff by signing up for the newsletter at Phoenix Soulutions!
Glossary section:
A concept that includes space, time, quantity, other realities, the Divinity, and what is still a mystery. It can be explained as three worlds. (Delgado, 173)
Tucuy Munayniyoc-
The more advanced practice of Munay, love. (Delgado, 174)
Works Cited
Delgado, Jorge L., and MaryAnn Male. Andean Awakening An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru. San Franciso: Council Oak Books, 2006.
The Three Initiates. "The Kybalion." Kybalion. 30 Dec. 2008
Shadow self
Conducted a wonderful workshop yesterday with the Famous Amazing Ray of Sunshine Dr. Maya Phoenix, and the equally Wonderful Dr. Gwen MacGregor. The participants had a wonderful time, and I believe they took another step forward on their Mystickal Voyage.
Keeping gains... order to keep gains, you have to actually keep gains somewhere right? Anyway, I went out and bought a new journal just for keeping gains. It is a very nice leather journal I bought from B&N. And the first gain I bought in it was I was able to purchase it for 50% off. Whoo hooo!
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