Sunday, May 10, 2009

Live Abundance Course

Just finished the weekend abundance course,last weekend, and it was great!

How was it different from the CDs/ Tapes?

1. People asked questions that I subconsciously had and the answers cleared up some assumptions I had.

2. I discovered a way to get pass a tremendous amount of resistance that I had.

3. I was motivated to practice being in release all the time.

4. I figured out how to stop yawning when something particularly difficult comes up (part of #2).

5. I found out it was okay to write down the same thing over and over again, if that is what is coming up when releasing.

6. Now I can't wait to get started on the goals and resistance course again, instead of having resistance to it!

7. I experienced releasing while having what starts out to be a negative interaction with another!

that's the short list

All in Larry would say, "It was a Wow"

I would definitely recommend doing the CDs first. It is great preparation.

Thank you all for keeping me motivated for Freedom!



1 comment:

Maya said...

Sounds like you got a lot out of it. So did I.