Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where did that come from?

Had a nice day of releasing. Released until a I felt really "Blah"..that's a technical term, and then I rested while just "being", and giving myself approval and love.

Released today a lot on W/A or wanting approval. That want is soooo strong. It is amazing how many things we do, and don't do, based on wanting someone's approval. It borders on the line of insanity really.

Here we are an all infinite being that has divided itself out, and created this illusion of separation, and then we run around doing silly stuff for the approval of some other being that we made up in our head, but is nothing more than a part of our beingness.

On the flip side today, I also practiced sending love and approval to other parts of me (that would be people and animals in this instance.) It is amazing how the environment changes during that process. Nothing but my thinkingness.

1 comment:

Maya said...

I am going to add you to the ones I follow. Interesting post.