Monday, October 27, 2008

We should spend half our time releasing and half of it just being. When I think of just being, I think of being loving, because that is what we are....Love.

The 6 steps

Lester designed 6 Steps to help us release our "Ego" and realize who we are!

  1. Allow yourself to want freedom more than you want approval, control, security and separation.
  2. Decide that you can release and be free.
  3. Allow yourself to perceive that all of your feelings culminate in the four wants: the want of approval, the want of control, the want of security. Then allow yourself to let go.
  4. Make it constant, release these wants daily whether alone or with people.
  5. If you get stuck, release the need to be stuck or unstuck.
  6. Each time you release you will feel lighter and happier.

Gains in Public

I was thinking of doing a pubic "Gains" journal, put then Lester had warned against telling people about your "Goals", because it would weaken your drive to achieve them. I imagine the same could happen with posting "Gains". The ego would kick in, and say "Look what I did!" and then stop releasing.

So to that end, I will post some gains, but the majority will be held privately.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Where did that come from?

Had a nice day of releasing. Released until a I felt really "Blah"..that's a technical term, and then I rested while just "being", and giving myself approval and love.

Released today a lot on W/A or wanting approval. That want is soooo strong. It is amazing how many things we do, and don't do, based on wanting someone's approval. It borders on the line of insanity really.

Here we are an all infinite being that has divided itself out, and created this illusion of separation, and then we run around doing silly stuff for the approval of some other being that we made up in our head, but is nothing more than a part of our beingness.

On the flip side today, I also practiced sending love and approval to other parts of me (that would be people and animals in this instance.) It is amazing how the environment changes during that process. Nothing but my thinkingness.

Friday, October 24, 2008


The more I listen, read, and experiment with what Lester Levenson shared, the more I tune out a lot of what I see and hear. It almost as if the information I receive does not align with what I choose to create, then It is not of any interest to me anymore. I'm only interested in what I'm giving my attention to...what I'm creating. Everything else is of no consequence, because it has no effect on what I'm creating, unless I choose it to be. Now that's different.

Disappearing cold

For the last two days I had the sniffles, and then last night, I was feeling cold even in a room that was 85 degrees (the benefits of a pellet stove). I didn't have the tea that I normally drink all winter long to keep the nasties away, so I was afraid that I was going to get really sick. Instead of staying up and trying to finish homework, which I wasn't doing a very good job of concentrating on, I went to bed. As I went to sleep, I sent love to myself, and I felt an energetic change all over my body. This morning I was cold symptom free! Good shaman....Good shaman...hee hee!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

"What we're seeing out there is our own mind. "

"All happiness has it's source in the Self, all misery has it's source in ego."

Lester Levenson

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

There is nothing out there but your Thinkingness. Lester Levenson

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

released a boat full of garbage today. What a relief.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Creative thought....oxymoron

Thoughts are creation...all began as thought. What are we creating? All that we can perceive, we created. Create something different...think something different...understand the power of who/what you are....I AM.

Create love in around you. Think of love. Think of loving you. Think of loving ALL will change to LOVE.

Observe and think only of what you observe, and get more of what you observe. The newspaper, the TV the Radio...observe and you get more of....your wish, your thought, are your command.

Understand? Go Play!

What to create?

All creatures, two legged and four, winged, and scaled, plant and rock,...all they want is love.

We have this idea that we are separate from everything else, but in truth, we are all one. If we send "love" to ourselves then naturally we will send "love" to all things and change our creation to one of "love" instead of....

Saturday, October 18, 2008

In the beginning God created...

I just finished the abundance course today, and I finally had again the experience I had many years ago while meditating. I wasn't my body, I wasn't my mind, I just was....I AM.

The illusion of the world I created was clear to me. Nothing is real. I am the creator of my reality. If I don't like what I see, all I need to do is change my thoughts, because that is all the action I truly take anyway. Everything else is just an outcropping...a growth of my thoughts. No dream. Yes thought..."Reality"